
a random smattering

i am presently eating a little slice of heaven from billy's bakery called a chocolate cupcake with rainbow sprinkle chips on top of a chocolate cake. our delightful ex-intern brought them in as a gift. i don't much like cake, because i'm weird, but i more than make up for it by shoveling frosting by the spoonful.

fat and happy is underrated.

so there's this publicist that i work with, and her name is poppy. i have decided that it is the coolest name ever.

poppy myers.

does it not have a ring? i feel like i would see the world more brightly, like in the wizard of oz when it goes from black & white to technicolor.

wouldn't it be great to see things this way ALWAYS?

it has been a busy week, all around.
dinners every night; shoots every day.

tuesday's dinner was at salmon river. it's a totally depressing place, but can you IMMEDIATELY go to www.salmonrivernyc.com and watch the owner's video?

i had no idea that real live salmon roamed the earth.
i call them salmen.


Stephen Mejias said...

Here at Salmon River Restaurant, our specialty is, um, salmon. Salmon. Very special salmon. Salmon from all over the world. Salmon. If you like salmon, you have to come to Salmon River Restaurant where we offer the world's best salmon. Salmon from all over the world. All types of salmon.

Stephen Mejias said...

In many Hispanic households, young girls call their fathers "Poppy."

Well, "Papi."

Either way, not a good name for a girl, in my book.

nina said...

see this is the difference between you and me:
where i see flowers, you see fathers.
where i see salmen, you see salmon.
you could never be me, you could never be me, you could never be NEVER BE DON'T YOU EVEN THINK IT!!!!

Nina McCammon said...

on the off chance you're interested, the "you could never be me line" is from "say anything."

Stephen Mejias said...
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Stephen Mejias said...

Dude, I can't believe you removed my comment. What kind of tyrant are you?